Thesis Projects Supervised by Alexander Nyßen
Completed thesis projects (13)
2009 (1)
- Id: 2009-013
- Student: Philip Ritzkopf
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
2008 (4)
- Id: 2008-012
- Student: Netiya Ounjai
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
- Id: 2008-011
- Student: Supaporn Simcheroen
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
Erweiterung der ViPER-IDE um einen Aktivtätsdiagramm-Editor zur Unterstützung der Use-Case-Entwicklung mit NaUTiluS
Dipl. Inform.
- Id: 2008-010
- Student: Daniel Watermeyer
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
- Id: 2008-005
- Student: Bui Trung Huy Do
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
2007 (6)
- Id: 2007-015
- Student: Marcel Hermanns
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
- Id: 2007-012
- Student: Andreas Walter
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
- Id: 2007-011
- Student: Zahid Sadal
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
- Id: 2007-009
- Student: Özgür Kevinc
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
UML2 Interaction Diagrams for the ViPER Platform
Dipl. Inform.
- Id: 2007-008
- Student: Tauseef Ikram
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
- Id: 2007-002
- Student: Tobias Buhr
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
2006 (2)
- Id: 2006-003
- Student: Mathias Funk
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
Model-Driven Graphical User Interface Generation ? Foundation for Bi-Directional Concrete Syntax Mapping Editor
Dipl. Inform.
- Id: 2006-002
- Student: Pankaj Bathia
- Supervisor: Alexander Nyßen
Note: This list may be incomplete as our dataset does not cover the complete history of the research group.