Vorkurs Informatik 2024

The Vorkurs Informatik is a preparatory bridge course in computer science offered by RWTH Aachen University before the start of every winter term. The course is for prospective students, who start their studies in the winter term, as well as current students of RWTH Aachen University. This course provides a preparation for any programming lectures and eases the introduction to programming.

Since 1999 we organize and conduct the Vorkurs Informatik. During this time, the learning content and also the way of teaching were revised and improved several times.

In order to be able to offer the course also during the COVID pandemic, online material and a hybrid teaching format has been developed. Many of those innovations are now being used further.

Since 1999, approx. 7000 students from all faculties of the RWTH Aachen University have attended the Vorkurs Informatik.

In 2024, we will be organising the preliminary course in computer science for the 25th time, but also for the last time!

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this course!

For detailled information regarding the Vorkurs Informatik visit its homepage.