Depth-area Oral Colloquium

The Depth-area Oral Colloquium (German: “Schwerpunktkolloquium”) can be examined by Prof. Lichter for a selection of three courses. Of these courses two must be given by Prof. Lichter.

The available courses are:

Title Credit points Lecturer
Object-oriented Software Construction 6 CP Prof. Lichter
Software Quality Assurance 6 CP Prof. Lichter
Software Project Management 4 CP Prof. Lichter
Model based Software Development 6 CP Prof. Rumpe
Generative Software Development 6 CP Prof. Rumpe
Software Architectures 6 CP Prof. Nagl
Prozesse und Methoden beim Testen von Software 3 CP Dr. Kriebel

To organize a Depth-area Oral Colloquium, contact Prof. Lichter and provide

  • your full name and student id,
  • the courses you want to be examined in, and
  • some examination date preferences.

When you and Prof. Lichter agree on the exam details, we will register your examination attempt.

In order to obtain the materials or access to Moodle for the courses lectured by Prof. Lichter, please use the corresponding course mail:

Object-oriented Software Construction:

Software Quality Assurance:

Software Project Management:

Please note, that requests sent to the team members personal e-mails will be ignored.