Andrej Dyck, M. Sc.

About me

Research Interests

  • Release Engineering / DevOps
  • Test Automation / Test-driven Development
  • Clean Code / Clean Architecture
  • Agile Development
  • Software Quality Assurance as a Team
  • Teaching / Coaching
Picture of Andrej Dyck
Andrej Dyck
Former Research Assistant

Research projects

Regression Test Optimization

Software regresses when existing functionality stops working upon the change of the program. Thus, the importance of automatic regression testing is increasing; this is especially true for fast-evolving systems and continuous delivery done right. To stress functional behavior, the regression test suite and its execution time is, in general, large. Moreover, by definition, regression test suites are executed recurrently, and thus, the number of test cases greatly influences the execution time. However, a change has only a partial impact on the system, so we can choose to execute only relevant test cases (test selection). Similarly, we can permanently remove test cases that are “irrelevant” (test minimization). Last but not least, the order of the test cases can reveal regression errors “faster” (test prioritization).


Latest publications:

  • Leo Andika, Andrej Dyck, Horst Lichter (2017)
    Towards A Design for An Extendable Reporting Interface. In Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 116, ISSN 1877-0509, 318–325.
  • Andrej Dyck, Ralf Penners, Horst Lichter (2015)
    Towards Definitions for Release Engineering and DevOps. In 3rd International Workshop on Release Engineering (RELENG), Florence, Italy, May 16, 3–3.
  • Andrej Dyck, Andreas Ganser, Horst Lichter (2014)
    On Designing Recommenders for Graphical Domain Modeling Environments. In 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (Modelsward 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, Jan 7-9, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, ISBN 978-989-758-007-9, 291–299.
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Supervisor for thesis projects

Completed thesis projects (4)

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Latest courses

Summer semester 2017

Winter semester 2016/2017

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