The market for IaaS solutions is covered by different cloud providers. The cloud providers offer a variety of technical solutions for the realization of different IaaS setups. Different provider-dependent solutions in combination with varying pricing models lead to a complex cloud market. This makes it difficult to analyze and identify cost sources and cost drivers. For customers of an IaaS solution, there is thus a problem in the comparability and cost planning of corresponding IaaS solutions. Enabling cross-provider comparability to analyze cost-related details of multiple IaaS solutions is aimed at. The implementation of this goal is based on the master thesis [Fri22]. The tool presented there for provider-independent cost estimation of IaaS offers, is used and extended in the course of this work. The implementation of a comparable cost breakdown is divided into two parts. Part one deals with establishing a concept for cross-provider cost breakdown of multiple IaaS solutions. Part two of the implementation is the elaboration of a process for user guidance of the tool presented in [Fri22]. The customer is supported in submitting technical requirements for an IaaS. The therefore used tool also assists in presenting the results of the cost estimation. In order to address the lack of cross-provider comparability of multiple IaaS offers, this thesis presents an approach that addresses the establishment of a cross-provider cost breakdown for IaaS offers. Furthermore, a support is developed that guides the customer of an IaaS in the establishment of IaaS cost breakdowns.
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Djamila Zimmermann