Indexing Ecore Libraries

A large number of software systems are in existence and many exhibit high complexity. Model driven development (MDD) is state of the art and used to compensate this trend by generating source code from given models. Especially in data centric applications Class Diagrams (CDs) are a widely used language to model data structures. These CDs are often stored in libraries for potential reuse, along with their meta data and relationships. Such a library can be very useful for further software development as it reduces the chance of reinventing the wheel. To achieve this the library has to be indexed, such that queries become feasible for practical applications.

This work will focus on indexing ecore libraries. The libraries contain CDs and their relationships, which are stored in a graph database. The purpose of the index is to organize the data, such that queries can be done more ?exible and return results faster. Additionally it will utilize the di?erent types of information available to return more accurate results, depending on the users input.

Project information



Thesis for degree:



David Mularski

