Publications by Thomas Weiler
Conference Papers
Alexander Nyßen,
Shmuel Tyszberowicz,
Thomas Weiler (2005)
Are Aspects Useful for Managing Variability in Software Product Lines? : a case study.
In Aspects and Software Product Lines: an Early Aspects Workshop at SPLC-Europe'05, Rennes, France, Sep 26.
Horst Lichter,
Ralf Melchisedech,
Oliver Scholz,
Thomas Weiler (2003)
Erfahrungen mit einem Workshop-Seminar im Software Engineering Unterricht.
Johannes Siedersleben,
Deborah Weber-Wulff (eds.) Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH 8), Berlin, Germany, Feb 27-28, dpunkt-Verl., Heidelberg, ISBN 3-89864-201-1, 89–100.
Thomas Weiler (2003)
Modelling Architectural Variability for Software Product Lines.
Jilles Gurp,
Jan Bosch (eds.) Software Variability Management (SVM 2003), Groningen, Netherlands, Feb 13-14, 53–61.
Technical Report
Horst Lichter,
Thomas Maßen,
Alexander Nyßen,
Thomas Weiler (2003)
Vergleich von Ansätzen zur Feature Modellierung bei der Softwareproduktlinienentwicklung. RWTH Aachen, Department of Computer Science, Aachen, Aachener Informatik-Berichte, No. AIB-2003-07, ISSN 0935-–323.
Horst Lichter,
Thomas Maßen,
Thomas Weiler (2002)
Modelling Requirements and Architectures for Software Product Lines. RWTH, Department of Computer Science, Aachen, Aachener Informatik-Berichte, No. AIB-2002-05, ISSN 0935-3232.