Design and implementation of a interactive data configuration management system for services

This bachelor thesis deals with the development of an interactive data configuration management system for services. The software is intended to be used in the context of the data integration solution of KISTERS AG in the energy sector. Using the configuration management system, allows the user to dynamically create configurations as interactive input mask from a configuration file, which can be filled with service-specific data. The user can also manage the configurations created, i.e. edit them, save and export them in a suitable data format and delete them. To create such configurations, a web application has been developed to facilitate the creation and management of configurations. Additionally, configuration files can be loaded from a database to populate the corresponding input mask with the necessary data or to edit the configuration file. The resulting configurations can be exported and utilized for the execution of services. The result of the populated configurations can be exported and further processed for the execution of various services. Throughout this work, all necessary processes of the software development are gone through in order to achieve the objective of a data configuration management system. First, related work is considered to gain inspiration and a foundational understanding of the software to be developed. Afterwards, a requirements analysis is carried out, in which both functional and non-functional requirements are elaborated. The requirements developed in this analysis then serve as the basis for creating a detailed software concept. After the most suitable software solution has been worked out, the data configuration management system will be implemented. Finally, the implemented software will be compared and evaluated with the requirements previously developed.

Project information



Thesis for degree:



David Carmona

