Dr. rer. nat. Veit Hoffmann
About me

Dr. Veit Hoffmann
Former Research Assistant
Research projects
Latest publications:
Ana Nicolaescu,
Horst Lichter,
Veit Hoffmann (2017)
On Adequate Behavior-based Architecture Conformance Checks. In 2017 24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Nanjing, China, Dec 4, 446–455.
Veit Hoffmann,
Horst Lichter (2013)
A Model-Based Simulation Environment for Structured Textual Use Cases. In José Cordeiro, Maria Virvou, Boris Shishkov (eds.) 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2010), Revised Selected Papers, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-29577-5, 109–124.
Veit Hoffmann (2013)
Rapid Prototyping in der Use-Case-zentrierten Anforderungsanalyse. PhD thesis, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Aachener Informatik-Berichte, Software Engineering, No. 15, ISBN 978-3-8440-2291-9, ISSN 1869-9170, RWTH Aachen University. PDF
Supervisor for thesis projects
Completed thesis projects (18)
Latest completed projects:
A prototype driven approach for the migration of legacy systems to current Eclipse technologyMaster
- Id: 2013-016
- Student: Pholkit Manakitiwiphat
- Supervisor: Veit Hoffmann
Qualitätsbewertung von Use-Case basierten AnforderungenDipl. Inform.
- Id: 2012-035
- Student: Nizar Jeribi
- Supervisor: Veit Hoffmann
Entwicklung einer werkzeuggestützten Gui-Prototyp-basierten Review Methode für AnwendungsfälleDipl. Inform.
- Id: 2011-018
- Student: Holger Naussed
- Supervisor: Veit Hoffmann